We’ve put together a brief video outlining the features and functions you should be looking for in your debt management software.

Video transcript: what features to look out for when choosing insolvency software

Welcome to Logican

If you’re running a debt management business or an insolvency firm and you’re in need of insolvency software, then we are here to show you what functions and features to look out for.

1. An intuitive interface

The best software is user-friendly, straightforward and requires little to no training.

2. The ability to manage and track debt information and finances

The best debt management software tracks client income, expenditure, assets and dependents. The insolvency software then utilises this information to determine the best type of payment scheme using Best Advice Model (BAM) and automatically generate a payment plan.

3. The ability to automate administrative tasks

Look for software that deals with both incoming and outgoing communication, generates custom text and automates bank reconciliation by reading electronic files downloaded directly from the clients’ bank accounts.

LogiDebt offers all these features and more.

For more information and to get your free demo find us online at www.logican.co.uk or give us a call on 0800 084 2724

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