Specialists at delivering high volume, low cost claims processing solutions


Established in 2005, Logican is a Manchester, UK-based company delivering efficiency-enhancing claims management solutions. Our technology has processed well over 3 million claims worth around £1 billion for more than 500 customer end-users and 50 companies.


We have an exceptional team of around 30 software developers, UI designers, QA members, support staff, business analysts, advisors, and senior consultants.

The team is led by Logican founder and managing director Yaakov Smith, an Oxford University first class honours graduate with over 20 years’ experience in the claims management industry.

Logican specialises in providing solutions, expert consultancy and industry know-how to companies processing mis-sold financial claims as well as other financial solutions.


You will discover that we add value every step of the way and offer a truly outstanding service that goes beyond the delivery of software.

We retain high levels of personal engagement in the service we provide and deliver the speed and efficiency you demand.

As part of our onboarding service, we offer a full consultation in which we get to grips with your business and develop a deep understanding of how you want to run it.

We then adapt our systems to ensure they do exactly what your business requires. We can also create a fully bespoke solution around your business needs.


We provide ongoing support as you use our products, along with tailored training programmes if you need them.

Our expert support staff are on hand to resolve any queries that you may have as they arise and, where necessary, will escalate any issues requiring further attention to the developer team for in-depth support.

Logican is ready to become your business process delivery partner, helping you make time and cost savings that will positively impact your bottom line.

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