A property portfolio is a necessity for those working in property development or management. We explain what a property portfolio is, when you might have one and how you can manage it.

Property Portfolio: Who Is It For?

Whether you’re a landlord, property manager or developer, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your property investments. A property portfolio is a collection of these investments, but multiple properties can be difficult to manage. Large developers and owners have been using property management software for some time, attracted by its smart features and ability to save time on manual administration, while providing vital data for decision making.

These software systems are available to all individuals and businesses with property or real estate interests, whether private or commercial. The market for property management software is growing fast, driven by cloud-deployed systems that make it accessible on the go and from a variety of digital devices. These systems are also cost-effective and available on a licence basis, making them affordable for everyone and providing a valuable return on investment.

Systems such as LogiPro, the leading property management software solution from Logican, are used currently by:

  • Property developers
  • Investment managers
  • Landlords
  • Facilities managers
  • Corporate property managers
  • Valuation advisors

These systems are also used by other individuals and bodies involved in the property industry who want to carry out their functions in a more streamlined, cost-effective and data-driven way that better supports effective decision making.

The system is suitable for managing buy-to-let portfolios, retail premises, warehouses, offices, other commercial properties and industrial sites. Whatever your needs, the system can be customised to deliver the benefits you need — and a measurable ROI.

Functions of Property Portfolio Software

Managing a property portfolio used to be onerous and time-consuming, especially for individuals with multiple property interests. However, the sophistication of modern software has created simple, powerful and highly effective tech-driven solutions that make it easier for you to keep on top of your portfolio.

Every solution has its own set of features, but LogiPro has been designed to cater to the most complex property ownership situations, meaning that it meets all landlord, investor, manager and owner needs, for buy-to-let and commercial properties alike.

The software is used for residential and commercial property and syndicate management. It includes a comprehensive service charge module which is useful for surveyors and managing agents. On top of this, it is fully integrated with accounts.

The high-end aims of LogiPro are to:

  1. Accelerate your sales process
  2. Increase the potential and performance of your staff
  3. Input data into a single entry point for multiple sharing across different groups

This is provided through a series of customisable features, including:

  • Business management features that allow you to quickly respond to client queries with the information that they need, delivered in the way that they want it
  • Teamwork and collaboration features, driven by information sharing options, such as operations management and alerts
  • Property portfolio mapping and tracking
  • Commercial record keeping
  • Automated correspondence, instructions and notices
  • Performance data
  • Single entry points for data, with the ability to share information to an array of nominated individuals
  • Security features for privacy

These features and benefits combine to give users the insights that they need to operate a better and more efficient business. The tool offers a highly attractive return on investment and has received excellent reviews from customers who already use it to streamline their portfolio management. Its beauty lies in simplifying your business, allowing you to access data easily to help you run a more profitable business in compliance with all regulatory and reporting requirements.

Find out more about Logican’s property portfolio management software, LogiPro. Request your free demo to learn how it can benefit your business.

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