Doing well in the claims business means giving customers what they want — and claims management software performs every time.

In the business world, there is sometimes the belief that products and services must be overly complex or loaded with features in order to be a success. This often happens in the IT industry, including with claims management software, where different firms try to outfox each other with products that only they really understand.

Certainly a product must be compelling, but if it does not meet customers’ expectations — in both the B2B and B2C sectors — the market may well turn to competitors that are offering something superior. This means that businesses need to provide customers and clients with a product that gets the job done quickly, easily and simply.

This is the foundation of how Logican operates. From the beginning, we had the goal of creating great business software that helped companies to do more and be more competitive. With our claims management software, claims firms around the UK are able to effortlessly deal with rising levels of caseloads and significantly increase their revenue streams.

Consumers’ Claims Desires

We were not surprised to read the findings of a new Which? survey which said that members of the public looking to make a claim want it done with as little fuss as possible. The majority of consumers do not attempt to make their own claims applications, but use claims management companies instead. These companies are able to deliver what the consumer wants, using claims management software to greatly enhance their operations.

This is especially true with claims for mis-sold payment protection insurance. This gargantuan claims sector is almost an industry in itself, with £27.1 billion having been paid out in refunds and compensation over the last six-and-a-half years. The sheer scale of the PPI scandal (around 53 million policies were sold) means claims firms that are manually handling cases quickly become inundated and bogged down. Meanwhile, their competitors using top claims management software race ahead and become more profitable.

Given that this month marks the beginning of a two-year countdown to the end of PPI claims, it is all the more critical for businesses to use claims management software. A large communications campaign is scheduled to launch soon that will call on the public to check if they have been mis-sold PPI on an array of products — from mortgages to credit cards, car financing and unsecured loans — and to claim if they think they have. This is likely to generate substantial levels of new PPI claims, most of them via claims firms.

The Simplicity of Claims Management Software

Our claims management software is called LogiClaim and is designed to not only cut through heavy caseloads, but to eliminate the various delays and errors that occur when manually handling claims. It enables claims firms to streamline their workflows and become far more efficient and profitable in the process.

LogiClaim is perfect for handling PPI claims, but it is not limited to them. It can also easily be configured to support different types of claims, including packaged bank accounts, mortgage mis-selling and flight delay claims. Additionally, it can be configured to take into account any procedural or legislative changes that develop in the various claims sectors.

Now, firms using claims management software are set up to provide their many customers with exactly what want: ease and simplicity in handling their claims.

If you are running a claims firm and would like more details about how claims management software can give your business a boost, contact Logican today and discover more. You can see how our claims management software works by picking up your free demo.

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