Some companies become so entrenched in the way they work that they do not wish to change things, and so they ignore such advantageous tools as claims software. It may end up hurting them.

Here at Logican’s headquarters in Manchester, we are focused on developing innovative business software that helps companies to be more productive, efficient and, ultimately, more profitable. While some companies are all keen on embracing new technology, including claims software, others can sometimes be reluctant.

Companies, no matter what type of business they are involved in, what size they are or how successful, are human enterprises. They are driven by people who have devised a way of working that fits them and their personnel. These are work practices that have evolved to make the company what it is today, and there is often a fear among management that if they change something, it could cause harm.

This is especially true of software and new technologies, because a lack of understanding of something that is perceived to be highly complex is added to the mix. The effect can sometimes be debilitating; it can mean companies are held back, lose market share and suffer while their rivals embrace change and get ahead.

A Vision of Great Software

Entrepreneurs are great at what they do – discovering new business opportunities and making the most of them. They are not, generally, tech wizards and the thought of trying to wrestle with a new software program might put them off from the outset.

While it is true that some software packages can be complicated and difficult to use, others are the opposite. Business software is designed to help companies, not hinder them by tying staff up in all manner of challenging tasks that take up far too much time and effort.

At Logican, led by our founder Yaakov Smith, we decided from the beginning that our range of software products, including our claims software, LogiClaim, would be easy to use. Software is of most benefit to enterprises when it does not disrupt operations with lengthy and ongoing training sessions, and when anyone in a company can quickly get to grips with it.

Claims Software with You in Mind

We believe it is not enough that claims software should be easy to use; it should also be highly configurable to a firm’s needs. Every claims management company has their own way of doing things, and claims software should be able to not only integrate itself into operations, but also reflect a firm’s work practices.

Another major concern among business owners is how much claims software is going to cost, and if they can justify the spend. Budgeting for tens of thousands of pounds, or even more, to install a software package and then train-up staff in how to use it is a serious undertaking that not every small- and medium-sized company can readily afford.

We decided from the beginning to make or claims software not only user-friendly but also affordable. That is why we only charge a modest fee for installing our powerful software onto a company’s network. We have easy-payment options and discounts for user licensing, which is calculated based on the number of people using LogiClaim.

Now, with a small financial outlay and little effort, even the most technophobic claims management companies are set to easily deal with increasing workloads and grow.

Find out more about how Logican’s claims software is so simple and easy to use – and why it is the choice of leading claims management companies everywhere – by getting in touch with us now. You also can get a no-obligation demo of how LogiClaim works, free of charge.

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