When you’re in charge of a client’s property portfolio, every error can be a costly one. Fortunately, property portfolio software allows you to automate management and earn back a greater return on your initial investment.

While many may see property portfolio software as an unnecessary expense, the money you can save in the long run is not to be sniffed at. Technological advances are improving efficiency and productivity across a vast number of fields and the property sector is no different.

Being in sole charge of a property portfolio comes with an increased air of expectation. Invested clients are unlikely to accept even your sincerest apologies if a mistake is made with their finances. While your intentions may have been good, in the world of asset management, money talks. With so much capital at stake, clients want to see their interests grow and property portfolio software has the capacity to make every pound stretch that little bit further.

How Much Will Property Portfolio Software Set Me Back?

The installation of property portfolio software comes at a one-off cost. At Logican, we charge a modest price of £795 to install the software on your network. From then on, there are no hidden fees, just a simple monthly or annual renewal price for each user and you won’t be asked to pay for a premium package once you reach a particular storage limit.

In addition to the property portfolio software itself, we also offer auxiliary training and assistance. Since our products are highly customisable, we recommend a short consultation on increasing the functionality of your property portfolio software. We provide these in the form of remote desktop workshops, so you can learn to use our products on the job. You won’t need to leave your office to enrol on a training course and if you don’t have the time to configure the customisation settings yourself, we can set them to your specific criteria for you.

What’s the ROI of Property Portfolio Software?

As with any product, your main expectation will be a return on your investment. Perhaps you’ve been effectively managing client property portfolios for a number of years and don’t feel the need to change your methods any time soon. While there is a lot of logic to this, the cost of property portfolio software is far outweighed by its contribution to a quicker and more efficient workflow.

With the property market in the UK becoming saturated by foreign investors, updating your process to combat fierce industry competition could help you earn more from your clients’ capital. Technological advances, such as those available in bespoke business software, are making it easier for investment companies to handle larger and more diverse portfolios, in a bid to tap into niche, money-making opportunities.

By automating administrative tasks like accounting, document creation and syndicate distribution, you can streamline your workflow, allocating more time to finding and verifying key investments.You can also use the software to predict ROI and cash-on-cash return, so you gain a stronger understanding of where your investments are headed.

In short, bespoke business software can save you needless man hours and lost revenue far in excess of its shelf price. You will no longer need to devise and create your own spreadsheets, spend days toiling over figures with your accountant, or generate and distribute individual invoices. What’s more, you’ll be provided with an optimised system that can be integrated seamlessly into your existing set up. There’s no training costs or time adjustments needed and, as your business grows, your property portfolio will grow and adapt with you.

At Logican, we spend time developing accessible, bespoke business software so you don’t have to spend time learning to use it. Check out the free demo of our property portfolio software, or get in touch with our expert team via our contact page.

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