A checklist of essential points to consider to make the most of your client onboarding process

When considering the key points for optimising your client onboarding process, it’s important to remember the devil is in the details. Capturing your client data in one go ensures there’s no need to keep going back and forth with your customer for more information. We’ve previously explored the key features of the best claims management software and a user-friendly submission form ranks highly in that list. So let’s dial it back to basics and look at the essential checklist for your onboarding process. 

1. Name

It seems too obvious to mention, but capturing a client’s name can be a stumbling block further down the line if you’re not very specific about how you need to receive that information. If you have a returning customer, who previously used their full name and has used an abbreviation second time around, the last thing you want is for them to separate into two different client folders. Similarly with middle names, if they add one the first time but forget to include it for an additional claim, you run the risk of creating a second profile for your client. 

Preempt that issue by including every detail and variable in your onboarding process. Have fields for first, middle and surnames, consider asking your client for their preferred name or if they go by any other names. That way, you’re not missing any details that could be key to linking all your client’s claims in one place. Be sure to include title too, so you’re addressing your client in their preferred way. This adds another level of customer service — and that’s crucial to getting great testimonials further down the line. 

2. Address

Make sure you give your client plenty of space to fill in their address. So as not to miss any correspondence, a lot of customers will now use their work address as their preferred address — and commercial properties tend to have longer addresses. You want to ensure you know exactly how to reach your client by post, so make sure there are no barriers to capturing their full address. Ask yourself if you want your client onboarding process to include an address searching tool to automate that part of the form, or if you’d prefer your client to manually input their full address. It’s worth including both options to avoid any mistakes in the address field. 

3. Date of Birth

Capturing your client’s date of birth with your onboarding software is essential for ensuring they are old enough to use your service. So the date of birth is another obvious, but necessary piece of information that can cause issues with accurate data capture based on your template. Keep in mind that preferred date formats differ by country. So if your onboarding software wants to capture that data in a dd/mm/yy format, you must make sure that format can’t be misinterpreted. Anything that seems confusing for your client will deter them from using your service. So by optimising your client onboarding with small details like this, you will make the process foolproof. 

Creating your client onboarding template while prioritising these key features will ensure customer satisfaction. If a customer finds the process easy and straight forward, they’re much more likely to recommend you, and also return themselves with any future claims. To avoid a minefield of issues, consider your options with this analysis of variations for capturing birthdate data with onboarding software. Don’t forget — consistency is key. In the event of claims management software, the date format you use for date of birth should be the same for any other dates requested in your data capture, e.g. date of payment, date of incident etc. 

4. Contact

The benefit of a bespoke client onboarding software is you can tailor this to be as thorough as you like. An important point to consider on this essential checklist is capturing back up information from your client. If you’re asking for a contact number, request multiple phone numbers for those that have them. You want your onboarding process to capture enough information so you can definitely get hold of your client. Asking for a combination of mobile, landline and work contact information gives you the best chance of reaching them. 

When using email as a contact, customise your onboarding process to include an email confirmation to avoid the risk of a typo or error. Confirming you have your client’s correct email address with a follow-up email, or adding an extra field asking them to retype and confirm the email address, will strengthen the accuracy of the client information you’re receiving.

5. Details of Query

Points one to four of this essential checklist will be standard for client onboarding. But from here, your client onboarding software should move in the direction that will benefit you the most. Logican’s claim management software, Logiclaim, can be accurately tailored to fit your specific claims management needs. 

When exploring your options, look at what claims types you need to have in these fields, and how you need your client to submit the evidence for their claims. A great client onboarding process will make attaching documents easy for your customer, so they know exactly how to upload the relevant files. 

Remember to be specific about what it is you need your client to add — be it photos, invoices, receipts. Clarify the necessary information and make sure there’s plenty of space to upload everything you’re asking for. It’s worth reassuring your client that their data will be stored securely under the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, to give them peace of mind that your client onboarding software will keep their information safe.

6. Additional Information

It’s useful to include a field for additional information when acquiring items from your client. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to claims management. So having an extra section to explain any irregularities or provide further detail is helpful to you and the client. This additional information field means you’ll have less reason to get back in touch with them for any missing information and they only have to submit all their information once. 

By preempting any issues with your data capture, you can build your template around that and avoid problems throughout your client onboarding process. 

Why not try a free demo of our advanced claims software, LogiClaim? To explore your options for optimising your onboarding process, contact us today to request your free demo.

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