Making a PPI claim can be a confusing and lengthy process. Where can you find help?

All PPI claims must be submitted to the relevant banks and lenders by 29th August 2019. This is the deadline imposed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to encourage people to make a claim. Since the announcement, thousands of people have already acted by contacting their bank or lender, and many have received a large windfall as a result.

Consumers are able to make a claim themselves or use the services of a claims management company, which will charge a fee in the event of a successful claim. Many cases can be complex, and if you have questions about claiming on joint accounts or for the deceased, for example, you will need to know the process before beginning your claim.

Those looking for PPI help can seek information in various ways and from different sources. It’s important to find your information from a reputable source, which includes the FCA, Citizens Advice, a solicitor and PPI claims companies. Find the best PPI claim companies by comparing fees, reading testimonials and learning about the company’s history.

If you are looking for PPI help online, only read information on trustworthy websites. Many forums discuss PPI claims, but each case is different and some forum messages could be from a number of years ago and no longer relevant. In recent years, there have been new rules imposed regarding PPI claims and companies, which means information might be out of date.

Since 2011, the banks have paid over £32 billion to consumers, while over 64 million policies were sold in the UK. If you’d like to find out how to make a claim, or if you could be owed money, there are a number of places you can get help.

Information from the FCA

The FCA organised the entire PPI deadline campaign. As such, it provides an extensive amount of information to consumers looking to find out more about how to make a claim.

To grab the audience’s attention, television and billboard adverts can be seen featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger’s robotic head. The advert promotes the deadline date and urges consumers to visit the FCA website.

The FCA created a dedicated website to PPI claims. It can be viewed in numerous languages, including Arabic, Polish and Welsh, making it more accessible for many consumers. The website contains valuable information about each bank and lender, and the process of making a claim.

There is also a phone line and social media account linked to the campaign, enabling consumers to contact the FCA in multiple ways if they need any PPI help before, during or after the claim process. If you decide to make a claim yourself, contacting the FCA with any queries is a good idea.

PPI Help from Claims Companies

Some PPI claims companies have free information and tools available on their websites, such as PPI claims calculators and guides on making a claim. Many consumers choose to use a claims service when they are too busy or would rather not handle the process themselves.

The most reputable claims companies can take on complex cases and will offer as much support as possible. This includes discovering if a consumer ever bought PPI, making the claim on their behalf and chasing up the bank if it does not receive an outcome within an expected time frame.

Long-standing claims companies, such as Canary Claims, employ staff with relevant legal or financial experience who understand the claims process.

Whichever method you use, there is PPI help out there. However, it’s important to act now, as the clock is ticking and, soon, you will no longer be able to claim.

Are you looking for PPI help? If you’d like a PPI claims company to make a claim on your behalf, read our guide on finding reputable claim companies.

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