Funeral plan management companies can do more and become more professional with funeral plan management software.

Every business wants to become more efficient — and hopefully more profitable in the process. However, it is not always an easy or successful undertaking. Funeral plan management companies are among those who want their businesses to grow and deliver better services to their clients. Many are now finding they are able to do that with specialist funeral plan management software.

There are, of course, many elements to any funeral, from arranging transport, flowers, church services and more, and this means there are a lot of complex payment plans to handle. Funeral plan management firms can often find much of their time is taken up with a seemingly endless stream of paperwork, when they would be better off dealing with their clients and providing an enhanced service.

This can especially be the case when a funeral plan firm is growing and dealing with more clients than ever. The effect of manually handling higher levels of communication and paperwork is that a business can quickly become swamped and stall. It is unable to move forward because a great deal of staff resources are spent on performing mundane tasks and they cannot take on any more.

Funeral Plan Management Software

Here at Logican, we have taken time to research and fully understand the needs of funeral plan management firms in running their businesses to an optimal level. Like any firm in any sector, they want to do more without substantially raising overheads, and they want to try and reduce repetitive manual work by automating it.

That is why our talented software developers created LogiPlan. It is a powerful and easy-to-use software system specifically created for people who manage funeral plans, so that workflow is streamlined and productivity maximised. It automates almost every aspect of funeral plans and makes the management of them entirely effortless. Funeral plan managers currently using it wonder how they ever got by without it.

Our sophisticated funeral software is also flexible and customisable, and if changes in funeral directors’ procedure or legislation occur, it is easy to adjust LogiPlan to accommodate them. This results in a seamless funeral plan management set-up: one in which there are no disruptions to workflow when managerial or other changes arise.

Funeral Software: The LogiPlan Advantage

Our funeral plan management software has a large number of features and functionality that allows people managing funeral plans to easily deal with all the parties involved, and as efficiently as possible. They can set up payment plans and edit them along the way for all the various payments required when clients are organising a funeral, including transport, flowers, church services and more.

Invoices and chasers can be automatically generated and managers can set up the software system exactly as they want it. They can record all of their clients’ details and the software also lets them track next of kin, additional member plans and client representatives as standard. Additionally, bespoke documents that funeral plan managers many require for different clients can also be automatically generated, helping to vastly improve efficiency and overall services.

Managers can also benefit from getting a complete picture of activity for each client, from completed tasks to upcoming ones. Essential apps and services, such as Outlook email and telephony, can instantly be integrated to the system, so that everything is handled and recorded in one place. With all this and more, LogiPlan is giving funeral plan management firms everywhere the ability to truly get ahead.  

To find out more about how LogiPlan can help your funeral plan management business to become more efficient and profitable, contact Logican today. Our specialist advisors will be happy to tell you everything you need to know. You can also get a free demo of how our powerful funeral plan management software works.


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