In a competitive industry like claims management, every area of your business needs to be optimised. It’s all well and good having great ideas and good marketing, but if you haven’t got the best claims software, your business will suffer. But what does the best claims software look like? Whether you’re updating your old software or starting a new claims company, we’ve broken down some of the key features to look out for when considering the right claims management software for your business. 

A Smooth Onboarding Process for Claims

We’ve previously explored the importance of having the best onboarding software for your claims management company, but it bears repeating. As this is the first interaction a client will have with your business, a smooth onboarding process is a key indicator of great customer service. The best claims software is designed to reduce that initial processing time and improve your customer’s experience throughout the entire claims process. 

This is especially important for new claims management ventures, as your brand won’t yet have a reputation in the industry, so you need to get it right from the get-go. Without many reviews to go off, you want customers to find you through word of mouth recommendations from the clients you have had in the past. A smooth onboarding process that is easy to navigate and with clear instructions is the first step to providing your customer with a rewarding experience.

Make the Most of Automation

Automated claims software is an excellent way to tailor not only onboarding, but your entire claims process. It streamlines your processes and gives the customer a better experience. By automating your processes you can reduce the hours spent on more manual and administrative tasks, by making your software do it for you. The best claims software will also remember returning customers, speeding up the process for a second claim.  Logican’s software Logiclaim uses templates customised to your specific needs to automate your claims process, which in turn gives customers a smoother experience.

The Best Claims Software Is Adaptable and Intuitive

The point of claims management software is to make both you and your customers’ lives easier. The best claims software will reduce the man-hours usually spent on manually emailing, printing and filling out forms and filing claims, so you want a claims software that you can tailor specifically to your business needs. The key is to have a claims software that you can tailor in house, eliminating the need to go back and forth with your claims software provider to make amends. 

LogiClaim’s extensive capabilities and options are simple to customise, so there is no time wasted in additional development work. As your business evolves, you can quickly and easily adjust the system to reflect changes in procedures or update your offering if you plan to handle new classes of claim. This customisation is also ideal for claims management companies that need to amend processes in line with new and ever-changing legislation. 

Investing that time initially to create a fully bespoke process will save huge amounts of time in the long run. Once configured, the solution is highly intuitive, making it simple for your teams to use without specialised training. 

The best claims software being entirely adaptable means that you can update your processes based on customer feedback too. If there is a feature in your claims process that is becoming an obstacle to potential customers or part of that process isn’t running smoothly, you can address the problem and adapt your forms to reduce any barriers to customers. This also applies to responses from the defendants in a claims process, as anyone using the claims software can provide useful insights into how smoothly it runs. 

Quick and Efficient Processes

LogiClaim software is powered by a workflow engine that makes bulk claims processing more efficient. However, it’s not just business time you save by having the best claims software. The best claims software allows for much faster proceedings behind the scenes, meaning that your clients will also benefit from a speedy claims process. Slow processes are a deterrent to claimants, so if your software is efficient and you’re able to offer a quick turnaround, this can give you the edge on your competitors. 

Another key feature of great claims software is an automated reminder tool for clients and other third party chasers. Clients don’t want to miss deadlines and face charges or miss payments as a result. If your claims software includes a reminder function, there’s no need for you to chase your client, and your staff can keep tabs on any missed deadlines with ease. Tailoring claims software to send such reminders automatically will remove the need for intervention from staff. 

Small features like this add an extra layer of customer service that will incentivise customers to return to you with future claims. And this works both ways! Your staff will find a reminder tool helpful to manage processes at their end too. Once emails, SMS or letters have been sent as a result of the automated reminders, staff members will see if a call needs to be scheduled to chase information. By automating the processes up to this point, calls from your team will be scheduled only as a last resort, after exhausting the automated tools. 

Allowing Clients to Track the Claims Process

Another feature beneficial to both your teams and the customer is a clear tracking tool to keep up to date with the various stages of a claim. Customers should know exactly what is required of them before the claim can be submitted — you don’t want them abandoning the claims process partway through, so manage their expectations with page numbers or a progress bar to indicate how close to the end they are. This also means that, instead of having staff taking phone calls from customers checking the progress of their claims, they can simply log in and monitor their progress online. Your staff will have less phone time and can spend that time on other, more important tasks. 

Useful Reporting for Businesses from Claims Software

Reports are an extremely helpful tool if you can access the specific information most useful to your business. Logican’s claims software enables you to define and create your own reports on any aspect of the claims process. And you can assign unique permissions to each report so only selected people can access them.

If you are starting a new claims venture, you want to pin down exactly what data will be most useful to you and build your reports around that. The best claims software will ensure that there are no gaps in your insights and that, as your business grows, you can update the reports you need. 

User-Friendly Interface

Having a comprehensive and efficient claims management system behind the scenes is no use if the interface is not user friendly. When a potential customer is researching claims management companies, you want them to encounter yours as having the best claims software. Though a customer may not know that positive user experience is a result of superior claims software, they will remember if they found it difficult to navigate through your claims process. 

It’s a fine balance between you collecting all the data you need and your client feeling like their labour is not worth the potential payout they might get. Consider simple submission processes and a mobile or tablet-friendly interface. If your customer starts the process on mobile but feels as though they need to switch to a laptop to make their claim, chances are they will move onto the next option. The best way to appeal to potential customers is to take advantage of a fully bespoke software solution. 

A simple user face for internal users of the system, most notably the agents running the claims, is also crucial. A user-friendly interface is invaluable in helping your staff understand and utilise all aspects of your claims software. 


It’s important to do your research to find out if a claims software is secure. Logican recognises that you need to retain sensitive data about your clients and their businesses, so we have developed LogiClaim to ensure data is well protected. As an added layer of security, you will get the ability to assign and manage permissions for different user groups, meaning that only pre-approved staff will have access to certain sensitive information.

Build confidence in your service by sharing information with your clients about your responsibilities as a claims management company. The Claims Management Regulation states that claims companies are bound by the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and the Data Protection Act 2018, so include links to this literature in your claims process to reassure your customers that their data is safe with you. 

Why not try a free demo of our advanced claims software, LogiClaim? To explore your options for optimising your onboarding process, contact us today and request your free demo.

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